Thursday, June 16, 2016

The World is Crumbling

...and Trump is the Architect

Now why would I talk down about The Donald again so soon, you might ask. Well, obviously he is the top story on all the media. Not a single day goes by without another news story popping up, describing one more absurdly idiotic comment issuing forth from his orifice. You can't hide from it, no matter where you might try to distance yourself from his plague. Well, maybe in the middle of the Gobi Desert perhaps. Or Death Valley maybe, but those solutions carry their own forms of punishment too.

The problem with Trump is not that he exists at all, but rather that he possesses a weird sort of power over each of us in our daily lives, if not the entire world itself. Yes, I said power. At this moment, when you strip away all the news coverage,Donald Trump is still a nobody. He has not attained that lofty Oval Office, yet he carries himself as if he had already moved in. Just yesterday he told the entire GOP flat out to "Be Quiet, just be quiet...or I will do this alone!" That, my friends, is an ultimatum. The words he spoke carry the power over others, specifically the Republican party and literally all of his voting base. He is immersed in his own private war with anyone who does not immediately agree with him. He declared the war himself last year, when he first announced his claim on the mythical throne of ultimate power, and his antics have directly affected every one of us ever since.

At first everyone treated his candidacy as a distraction, even a joke of some kind. Pundits from all over the spectrum said he had no chance. Then, as the tirades and personal insults began to fly, more and more people began to flock to his banner. Pundits took notice, Trump had a following. And what a following it had become. Most reputable commentators agree that Trumps followers fit into a rather narrow type category. Most seem to be lesser educated individuals, the GED crowd if you will, and are simply unhappy with their lot in life. They are the complainers in society, but they are generally not problem solvers. They will tell you everything that is wrong in the world, but will reject any plan to correct those wrongs, at least any plan other than their savior, Donald Trump. Oh boy, he sure does have some plans.

The Wall - If you've never heard of it then you are probably the only person in the world who hasn't. Mr. Trumps solution to illegal immigrants is to build a long wall at the southern border between The United States and Mexico. This wall would be some thirty feet tall and extend some 2000 miles along the entire border. And the best part of Donald's proposal is that he would "make Mexico pay for it!" Even though I am the eternal optimist, I still find more than a few problems with the practicality of "The Great Wall of America"...the least of which is that drug smugglers already dig a new tunnel under the border about every week now!

Ban Muslims - I just know you've heard that one...Donald Trump proposed that the United States place a ban on all Muslim immigrants entering the US, at least temporarily. This is supposedly in response to the growing terrorist threat. I won't write too much on that one, but practical does not appear to be in the plan anywhere. Oh, and he did say it "was only a suggestion"...

Rewrite all International Trade Agreements - Donald says current trade agreements are "unfair" to the US, and he would negotiate all new ones to better benefit our workers. This is supposed to be a solution for unemployment...

Overhaul the Tax Laws - since this one item has been a part of every single presidential campaign speech for fifty years, I'm not going to belabor it here. Let's just say that Trump has his own rhetorical version too, and as with his other proposals it is long on promises and very short on substance...

Anyway, I think we covered Trumps power asperations. In short he already exercises a certain power over a small portion of the electorate, but he wants it all. Donald Trump wants to "rule" your life through the power he believes he will gain from being elected President of the United States. To be frank, I do not believe that he understands that what he believes he can do as president is even remotely legal, let alone moral...

As always, feel free to comment.

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